Wednesday, August 6

Be a reading athlete!

As you certainly have noticed, the National Year of Reading is all around our school unit, and we will start the term with a challenge inspired on the Olympic Games. This is aimed for all of Barra pupils, and your parents will have received a note about it by Friday. First, you need to think about which Olympic sport(s) you like best and consider if you have a book about it, which you should like to share. You will be allowed to check out Library books if you do not have a book in your house. Then, you should write why you like that sport and bring both - the book and your piece of writing to our school library, and Ms. Viviane will help us put up an interactive Olympic Games Reading Corner.

We will run an election to find out which books are the favourite ones amongst the students and teachers. The children whose books are chosen will win a special prize!!!

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